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What Holistic Dentists Recommend for Flossing Teeth

July 25, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:06 pm

The two basic practices associated with oral hygiene are brushing and flossing teeth. Most of us know this, but we still just brush twice a day and completely forget to floss our teeth.

While brushing our teeth can indeed remove plaque on the outer part of the teeth, flossing can remove the food particles and plaque from between each tooth, the unexposed parts. Bacteria usually grow within these spaces, hence why it is essential to remove them by flossing after every meal.

The flossing suggested by traditional dentists is slightly different than the flossing recommended by holistic dentists. Natural dentists recommend a more effective and beneficial type of flossing.

The holistic dentists usually give the following recommendations when it comes to flossing.

Dental Floss Material Recommendations

Most dental floss products available are toxic. Moreover, the material used for their manufacturing is less environment-friendly.

Teflon dental floss is the most toxic, as polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is its major component. So, holistic dentists don’t recommend using Teflon dental floss.

Nylon and silk floss are other products that most of the holistic dentists do not recommend. Most of these dental flosses use wax, which either comes from natural sources or tends to be synthetic.

In both cases, this wax adheres to the teeth during flossing. This may prevent minerals present in saliva from entering various sections of the teeth. As a result, it may affect the natural process of re-mineralization.

As a result, holistic dentists don’t recommend using a dental floss made up of silk or nylon. Rather, they prefer unwaxed options for their patients, which are more healthy and effective.

Holistic Tooth Flossing Method

Apart from recommending only unwaxed floss, holistic dentists also suggest other steps while flossing.

For example, try coating the flossing thread with a small amount of oil infused with ozone. This is the standard dental cleaning procedure that holistic dentists recommend to their patients.

Ozone tends to be anti-bacterial, which helps reduce the chances of bacterial growth on the teeth. Moreover, it also works to neutralize the development of an acidic environment in the mouth.

Why Holistic Dentistry Recommends Flossing Teeth

Holistic dentists suggest using dental floss after every meal, for the following reasons:

Removal of Food Particles

Even if you are using one of the best toothbrushes available, it is not possible to remove all the food particles that have accumulated within the teeth. Flossing after every meal is, therefore, a good practice.

Reduced Chances of Plaque Development

Plaque is a thin layer of bacteria that surrounds the teeth. It starts to harden after a couple of days. Flossing helps remove all the plaque before it starts to accumulate into tarter.


Gingivitis is a disease that causes gums to bleed. The inflammation within the gums causes pain and bad breath. To avoid this, holistic dentists recommend using dental floss after every meal.